Java Training Course Outline
Java Training Course Outline
Prepare for JAVA developer who can efficiently understand and use various JAVA versions.
Personal having user-level experience with any computer programming language and basics.
Prepares for:
Oracle Java Certification
Any IT professionals, BE,B.Tech, MCA, BCA or equivalent student who want to build JAVA technology skills. This is required course for Android or J2EE or Selenium
32 hours
Course Outline:
1.Getting Started with OOPS and Java
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- What is Java?
- History of Java
- How to get Java
- Compiling and interpreting application
- The JDK Directory Structure
- Inside JVM
- A first java program
- Introduce SOP and Scanner
- Comments (Line, Block, Java Doc)
2.Datatypes and Variables
- Primitive Datatypes
- Non-Primitive Datatypes
- Declarations
- Variable Names
- Numeric Literals
- Character Literals
- String Literals
- The Dot Operator
3.Operators and Expressions
- Assignment Operator
- Arithmetic Operator
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Increment and Decrement Oprators
- Oprate-Assign Operators(+=,etc.)
- The Conditional Oprator
- Operator Precedence
- Implicit Type Conversions
- The Cast Operator
4.Control Flow
- Expressions
- Statements
- Conditional(if) Statements
- Adding an else if
- Conditional (switch) Statements
- While and do-while Loops
- For Loops
- The continue Statement
- The Break Statement
- One Dimentional Arrays
- Multi-Dimentional Arrays
- Enhanced For Loop
6.Introducing Classes
- Classes and Objects
- Fields and Methods
- Methods
- Calling Methods
- Defining Methods
- Method Parameters
- Method Overloading
- Variable argument parameters methods
- Constructors
- Garbage Collection
- Access Modifier (private, public, protected, default)
- Non-Access Modifier (static, final, abstract)
- keywords: this
- Wrapper Classes
- String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer
7.Inheritance in Java
- Inheritance
- Inheritance in Java
- Method Overriding
- Keywords (Super & Final)
- Abstract Clases
- Interfaces
8.Inner Classes and Packages
- Inner Classes Concept
- Anonymous Inner Class
- Static inner class
- Packages
- Defining Packages
- Package Scope
- CLASSPATH and Finding Packages
- The import Statement
- Static Imports
9.Exception Handling
- Exception Overview
- Catching Exceptions
- The Finally Block
- Exception Methods
- Declaring Exceptions
- Defining and Throwing Exceptions
- Errors and RuntimeExceptions
10.Input/Output Streams
- Overview of Streams
- Bytes vs. Characters
- Converting Byte Streams to Character Streams
- File I/O
- Binary Input and Output
- Basic and Filtered Streams
- Serialization
- Reading and Writing Objects
- Print Writer Class
- Scanner Class
- File Class
11.MultiThreading in Java
- Non-Threaded Applications
- Threaded Applications
- Creating Threads
- Thread States
- Runnable Threads
- Coordinating Threads
- Interrupting Threads
- Runnable Interface
- Synchronizing Threads
- Interthread Communication
- ThreadGroups
- Advanced Locking Concepts
12.Collection Framework and Generics
- Generics
- The Collection Framework
- The List Interface
- ListImplementation Classes
- The Set Interface
- Set Implementation Classes
- The List Interface
- List Implementation Classes
- The Map Interface
- Map Implementation Classes
- Sorting with Comparator and Comparable
- Sorting Lists and Arrays
- Collections Utility Methods
13.Internalization and Property class
- Internalizing application
- Locale
- ResourceBundle
- Properties class
- Date Time formatter
- Number Formatter
14. Date and Time Handling in Java
- Date
- Calender
- SimpleDateFormat
15. Neworking Basics and Classes
- Url
- UrlConnection
- HttpUrlConnection
16. Introduction to Eclipse
17.Introduction to standalone application and Applet
- (Optional:If required for project)
- Introduction to AWT
- Introduction to Swing
References - Java Core Study Material |