This course is designed for learners , who are willing to make career in Big Data - Hadoop
Hadoop Architecture |
Module 1 |
Module 2 |
- Hadoop Architecture
- Hadoop Ecosystem Components
- Hadoop Storage : HDFS
Module 3 |
- Hadoop Processing : Map Reduce Framework
- Hadoop Server Roles
Module 4 |
- Namenode, Secondary Namenode & data node
- Anatomy of file read and write
Hadoop Cluster Configuration and Data Loading |
Module 5 |
- Hadoop Cluster Architecture
- Hadoop Cluster Configuration files
- Hadoop Cluster Mode
Module 6 |
- Multi-Node Hadoop Cluste
- A Typical Production Hadoop
- Cluster MapReduce Job execution
- Common Hadoop Shell commands
Module 7 |
- Data Loading Techniques: FLUME, SQOOP
- Hadoop Copy Commands
Hadoop MapReduce framework |
Module 8 |
- Hadoop Data Types
- Hadoop MapReduce paradigm
- Map and Reduce tasks
- MapReduce Execution Framework
Module 9 |
- Partitioners and Combiners
- Input Formats (Input Splits and Records, Text Input, Binary Input, Multiple Inputs)
- Output Formats (TextOutput, BinaryOutPut, Multiple Output)
Advance MapReduce and YARN (Mrv2) |
Module 10 |
- Custom Input Format
- Error Handling
- Tuning
- Advance MapReduce
- Fair and Capacity
- Scheduler
Module 11 |
- Hadoop 2.0 New Features
- NameNode High Availability
- HDFS Federation, YARN etc., 1 1
- Programming in YARN,
- Running Mrv1 in YARN,
- Upgrade your existing code to Mrv2, 1 1
Pig and Pig Latin |
Module 12 |
- Installing and Running Pig
- Grunt
- Pig's Data Model
- Pig Latin
- Developing & Testing Pig Latin Scripts
- Writing Evaluation Filter, Load & Store Functions
Hive |
Module 13 |
- Hive Architecture and Installation
- Comparison with Traditional Database
- HiveQL: Data Types, Operators and Functions
- Hive Tables(Managed Tables and External Tables, Partitions and Buckets
- Storage Formats Importing Data, Altering Tables, Dropping Tables)
Module 14 |
- Storage Formats Importing Data, Altering Tables, Dropping Tables)
- Map Reduce Scripts
- Joins & Subqueries
- Views
- Map and Reduce side Joins to optimize Query)
- Defined Functions,
- Appending Data into existing Hive Table
- Custom Map/Reduce in Hive,
Hadoop Advance |
Module 15 |
- Introduction to HBase
- Client API's and their features
- Hbase Architecture,2 2
- MapReduce Integration,Advanced Usage, Advance Indexing, Coprocessors
Module 16 |
- Introduction to spark
- Spark Advantages
- Spark Architecture
Module 17 |
- Why Oozie?
- Installation of Oozie
- Workflow Engine
- Job Processin
- Security
Module 18 |
- The Zookeeper Service:
- Data Modal, Operations, Implementation,Consistency, Sessions, States.