Course Outline for SAP-SD
SAP Sales and Distribution Course Contents
SAP SD FUNCTIONAL BASICS for working Professionals, Warehouse/Inventory Mangers, seeking Job in SD field
Prepares for:
Personal having Process Experience in Sales and Distribution , Any Graduate working Professionals, Students.
SAP End users, working in Sales and Distribution Department , Warehouse Managers, Procurement managers , Functional Consultants
40 hours
Course Content
Overview of Sales & Distribution
- Organizational Structures
- Sales and distribution aspect
- Material management aspect
- Finance and accounting aspect
- Document flow and process chain
Master Data Overview
- Working with Customer master Record
- Working with Material Master Record
- Customer Account groups
Pre-sales Activities
- Sales Document Structure
- Enquiries
- Quotations
- Sales Support
Creating, Processing and Controlling
- Sales Order Processing
- Creation of sales order with reference
- Item Caregories
- Copy Control
- Log of incomplete items
- Condition Technique
- Condition Type
- Access Sequence
- Condition Record
- Condition Table
- Price determination
- Definition and maintenance of prices, surcharges and discounts
Fast Material Entry In Sales Order
- Product Proposals
- Material Listing and exclusion
- Material Determination
- Free goods
Sales Order Types
Outline Agreements
- Contacts
- Scheduling Agreements
Special Business Processes
- Consignments
- Bill of Material
- Overview of Shipping
- Shipping point and route determination
- Creating and controlling outbound delivery
- Delivery processing
- Picking
- Picking Confirmation
- Processing Packing Material
- Packing
- Goods issue
- Billing document types
- Creation of billing documents
- Overview of billing methods
- Billing plan
- Revenue account determination
- Posting billing document to Account
Credit Management
- Integrated case study
- Implementation of a fictious demo company in an "empty" delivery client in an ERP system, using predefined business processes
- Mapping the enterprise processes
- Mapping the enterprise structure
- Implementing sales transactions, delivery and billing processes, institution-specific price determination requests
Other Topics
- Text determination
- Partner determination
- Output determination