JAVA - Advance(J2EE) Training - Course Outline
Prepare for web developer using JAVA who can efficiently and use various J2EE versions
Core Java
Prepare for:
OCWCD (Oracle Certified Web Component Developer)
Any IT professionals, BE,B.Tech, MCA, BCA or equivalent student who want to knowledge in JAVA.
3 Months (40 theory + 80 lab) hours
Course Outline:
Advance Java Training - Course Outline
1.0 Eclipse
- Eclipse Introduction
- Project definition and configurations
- Execution and debugging
- Advance features
2.0 JDBC
- JDBC Introduction
- JDBC Architecture
- Java Database Connectivity Steps
- Test JDBC Driver Installation & Connection
- Types of JDBC Drivers
- Inserting Data into SQL Tables
- Retrieving Data from SQL Tables
- Update SQL Tables
3.0. Servlet
- History of Web Applications
- Support for Servlets
- HTTP Servlet Basics
- The Servlet Lifecycle
- Retrieving Information
- Sending HTML Information
- Sending Multimedia Content
- Advance Servlet Features (Forward ,Include, Redirect)
- Session Tracking
- Security
- Database Connectivity
- What's New in the Servlet API
4.0. JSP
- Introduction to JSP
- Introducing Java Server Pages Technology
- JSP Architecture
- Reading the Request Information
- Retrieving the data posted to a JSP file from HTML file
- JSP Elements (Directives, Declaration, Scriplets, Actions)
- Introduction to the JSP tags
- Accessing database from JSP
- Working with JSP Sessions
- JSP Cookies Example
- JSP and JavaBeans
- Disabling Session in JSP
- JSP and JavaBeans
- JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
- File uploading
5.0 AJAX
- Introduction
- Create an XMLHttpRequest Object
- Send a Request To a Server
- Server Response
- The onreadystatechange Event
- AJAX Examples
6.0 Struts
- MVC Architecture
- Struts Framework
- Struts Controller Components
- Struts View Components
- Struts Model Components
- Struts Tag Libraries
- Exception Handling in Struts
- Using Commons Validate with Struts
- Exception Handling in Struts
- Struts example
7.0. Hibernate
- Introduction to Hibernate
- Hibernate Configuration
- Entity definitions and O/R Mapping
- Working with Persistent Objects
- Hibernate Queries
- Hibernate Caching
- Advance Concepts
8.0. Spring Framework
- Dependency Injection and Inversion of control
- Bean Managed container and its configurations
- Bean definitions and their usage
- Hibernate Integration
- Struts Integration
9.0 Java and XML
- Generating an XML Document
- Parsing XML
- Quick Reference Guide
- Create well-formed and valid XML documents
- Use XML Namespaces in an XML document
- Create and use an XML Schema document
- Validate XML documents by using standard XML techniques
- Use XPath expressions and functions
- Transform XML documents by using stylesheets and XPath expressions
- List the XML features in the database
- Explain the architecture of Oracle XML DB
- Use the XQuery language
10.0 WebServices
- SOAP and REST Services
- SOAP Protocol Fundamental (UDDI, WSDL, Binding)
- SOAP Web Services using Axis-2 and SOAP UI
- REST Services fundamental (Jax-RS, JSON)
- REST Web Services generation using Jersey and Jackson
Related References:
Java - Core Training Course Outline