C++ Course Outline for B.Tech
Introduction to C++
Give an exposure of software development to B.Tech students based on their C++ course curriculum.
It is expected that the person has knowledge of solving B.Tech level mathematics and user level experience of computer application.
Prepares for:
Engineering Exam
B.Tech students.
40 hrs
Course Outline:
Unit 1:Introduction of Object Oriented Programming & C++ Language:
- Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Benefits of OOP.
- Object Oriented Language
- Introduction to C++.
Unit 2: Basic Concepts of C++:
- Introduction of Tokens, Keywords, Variables and Constants in C++.
- Data types: Basic , User-Defined & Derived Data Types.
- Storage Classes.
- Operators in C++ : Increment and decrement operators, Scope Resolution Operator, Member Dereferencing Operator, Memory Management Operator, Type Cast
- Input and Output: cin, cout, escape sequences, include directives
- Namespaces, Indenting and Comments, Operator precedence, Data types and expressions.
- Loops: while, for, do while, nested loops, Decision making: if - else, nested if else, switch , break and continue.
- Manipulators: endl , setw, sizeof etc.
- Arrays : Introduction to arrays, arrays in functions, 2-D arrays , Multidimensional arrays.
- Pointers: Introduction to pointers, void pointers, pointers in function, pointer to constant and constant pointer, generic pointer.
Unit 3 : Functions in C++:
- Introduction of Main function.
- Function Prototypes- Built in functions and user defined functions, Default Arguments, const Arguments in function.
- Passing arguments to functions through Call by reference and Call by value.
- Inline Functions, const member functions, Recursion Functions, Math Library Functions, Friend & Virtual Functions.
- Function Overloading.
Unit 4: Classes & Objects:
- Specifying a Class. Defining Member functions inside & outside of Class. Private & Public Member functions.
- Making an outside function to inline function, Nesting member functions,
- Array within a class, Array of Objects, Returning Objects.
- Memory allocation of Objects, Static Variables & Static Functions.
- Friend Functions.
Unit 5: Constructors & Destructors:
- Introduction to constructors & Destructors.
- Types of Constructors: Default, Parameterized, Copy & Dynamic Constructors.
- Constructor Overloading, Constructor with default Arguments, Default initialization of objects.
- Destructors.
Unit 6: Operator Overloading & Type Conversions
- Introduction to Operator Overloading.
- Overloading Unary & Binary Operators.
- Overloading Unary & Binary Operators using Friends.
- Rules for Overloading Operators.
Unit 7: Inheritance in C++
- Introduction to Inheritance.
- Types of Inheritance: Single, Multiple, Multilevel, Hierarchical & Hybrid Inheritance.
- Virtual Base Classes & Abstract Classes.
- Constructors in Derived Class.
- Nesting of classes.
Unit 8: Pointers, Virtual functions & Polymorphism
- Introduction of Pointers & Pointer to objects. This pointer.
- Pointer to Derived classes.
- Virtual Functions & Pure Virtual Functions.
- Virtual Constructors & Destructors.
Unit 9: Managing Console I/O Operations:
- Introduction to C++ Streams. & Stream Classes
- Formatted & Unformatted Console I/O Operations.
- Managing output with Manipulators.
Unit 10: Working with Files:
- Introduction to Classes using File Stream Operations.
- Opening & Closing a File. Detecting end-of-file.
- File Modes, File pointers & their Manipulations.
- Random access a file.
Unit 11: Templates & Exception Handling:
- Introduction to Class Template, Function Template & Member function Templates.
- Introduction to Exception Handling Mechanism. Throwing Mechanism & Catching Mechanism.
- Exceptions in Constructors & Destructors & Operator Overloading Functions.