Course Outline for SAP-MM
SAP Materials Management Course Contents
SAP MM FUNCTIONAL BASICS for working Professionals, Warehouse/Inventory Mangers, seeking Job in MM field
Prepares for:
Personal having Process Experience in Materials Management , Any Graduate working Professionals, Students.
SAP End users, working in Materials Management Department , Warehouse Managers, Procurement managers , Functional Consultants
50 to 60 hours
Course Outline:
SAP Introduction
- Introduction to ERP
- Introduction to SAP
- SAP R/3 Architecture
- ASAP Methodology
- Procurement Process
Enterprise Structure (Organization Structure)
- Create Company, Company Code
- Create Plant, Storage location, Purchase Organization
- Assign Company to Company Code
- Assing Plant to Company Code
- Assign Purchase Organization to Compay Code/Plant
Master data
- Master Data – Basic Introduction,Types of Master Data
- Material Master
- Create Material Master
- Change Material Master
- Display Material Master
- Extend Material Master
- List of Material Master
- From Storage Location to Storage Location
- From Plant to Plant
Configuration of Material Master
- Creation of Material Types.
- Basic Configuration of Material Types.
- Quantity / Value Updating for Material Types.
- Maintain Number Ranges for Material Types.
- Creation of Industry Sector.
- Creation of Material Groups.
- External Material Group
Vendor Master
- Basics of Vendor Master.
- Data required for creating Vendor Master.
- Types of Vendors.
- Vendor Account Groups Creation.
- Configuration of Vendor Account Group.
- Maintain Number Ranges for Vendors.
- Create Vendor Master.
- Change Vendor Master.
- Display Vendor Master.
Valuation Class
- OBYC Setting
- Material Ledger and Activation
Purchasing Info Record (PIR)
- Basics of PIR.
- Create PIR.
- Change PIR.
- Display PIR.
- List PIRs.
- Maintain Number Ranges for PIR
Source List
- Source List Basics
- Maintain Source List.
- Display Source List.
- Configuration of Source List.
- Purchase Requisition
- Basics of Purchasing.
- Purchasing / Procurement Cycle.
- Types of Purchasing Documents.
- Basics of a Document.
- Maintain Number Range for Purchase Requisition.
Create Purchase Requisition
- Change Purchase Requisition.
- Display Purchase Requisition.
- Purchasing
- Request For Quotations (RFQ’s) / Quotations
- Create RFQ.
- Change RFQ.
- Display RFQ.
- Maintain Quotation.
- Price Comparision.
- Maintain Number Range for RFQ / Quotations.
- Create contract
- Change Contract
- Display Contract
- Releas Contract
Purchase Order
- Create Purchase Order with reference.
- Change Purchase Order.
- Display Purchase Order.
- Create PO without reference.
- General Analysis of Purchase Orders.
Release Procedure
- Basics of Release Procedure / Document Approval.
- Define Characteristics.
- Define Class.
- Define Release Groups.
- Define Release Codes.
- Define Release Indicators.
- Define Release Strategies.
Inventory Management
- Movement Types Basics.
- Types of Stock.
- Inventory Management basic documents.
- Goods Receipt
- Basics of Goods Receipt.
- Creating Goods Receipt with reference to Purchase Order.
- Display Material Document.
- Display Accounting Document.
- Display Purchase Order History.
- Display Stock Overview.
- Doing return delivery to vendor.
- Initial Stock Upload.
- Goods Issue
- Basics of Goods Issue.
- Cost Center – Basics.
- Basic Settings for Cost Center Account Assignment.
- Create Cost Center.
- Create Goods Issue with Account Assignment.
- Stock Transfer
- From Plant to Plant – One Step.
- From Plant to Plant – Two Step.
- Transfer of Stock between Stock Types.
- Reservations.
Physical Inventory Process
- Inventory Process Basics.
- Create Physical Inventory Document.
- Print the Physical Inventory Document.
- Inventory Count.
- Difference List.
- Post Difference.
- Stock Overview.
Subcontracting Process
- Subcontracting Process Basics.
- Create Material.
- Maintain Stock.
- Create Bill of Materials.
- Create PIR.
- Create Purchase Order.
- Create Goods Issue.
- Create Goods Receipt against Purchase Order.
Consignment Process
- Consignment Process Basics.
- Basic configuration for Consignment Process.
- Create PIR.
- Create Purchase Order.
- Create GR against Purchase Order.
- Transfer Stock.
- Basics of Services.
- Create Service Master.
- Create Service Conditions.
- Create Service Purchase Order.
- Create Service Entry Sheet.
- Display Purchase Order History.
Logistics Invoice Verification
- Invoice Verification Basics.
- Planned and Unplanned Delivery Costs.
- Create Invoice Verification Document.
- Blocking / Releasing Invoice.
- Holding of Invoice.
- Parking of Invoice.
- Releasing from Holding / Parking.
- Checking Invoice / Payment Status.