Course Outline for SAP-FICO
SAP Financial Accounting and Controlling (FICO) Course Contents
SAP FICO Functional Basics, Financial accounting
Prepares for:
- Explain the architecture of the SAP Financials component
- Configure and use new functionalities in SAP FICO
- Explain the SAP Financial Accounting and Controlling Configuration and Customization option.
- Explain the SAP FICO End user Transactions and SAP Month end and year end reports.
Personal having Process Experience in Finance Management , Any Graduate working Professionals, Students.
SAP End users, Accountants , Finance Managers
60 hours
Course Content
SAP FICO Course Content
- ERP Introduction
- What is ERP and Introduction on ERP?
- ERP Vendors
- SAP Introduction
- What is SAP and Introduction on SAP?
- SAP Landscape
- Transport Management
- 3-tier Architecture
- SAP Logon
Financial Accounting
- Basic Settings of FI
- Definition of company
- Definition of company code
- Assignment of company to company code
- Definition of business area
- Define chart of accounts
- Assign chart of accounts to company code
- Define account groups
- Define Retained earnings account
- Define Fiscal year variant and shortend fiscal year
- Assign fiscal year variant to company code
- Define field status variants
- Assignment of field status variant to company code
- Definition of tolerance groups for GL accounts
- Definition of tolerance groups for employees
- Assignment of tolerance groups to users
- Define document types
- Define posting period variant
- Assign posting period variant to company code
- Open/close posting period variant
- Global parameters
- Organization structure in EC01
- Sort key configuration in OB16
- General Ledger Accounting
- Creation of General Ledger Master (with and without reference)
- Display/Change/Block/Unblock of general ledger master
- Document Entry posting and posting with reference
- Display and change of documents, editable fields, editable options
- Display of GL balances report
- Display GL account line items report
- Parked documents
- Hold documents
- Creation of Sample Document and postings with sample documents
- Handling prepaid expenses (prepaid insurance) with recurring documents
- Changing line layouts for display of GL line items, variant creation, dynamic selections
- Reversal of individual documents, mass reversal, reversal of cleared items and reversal of accrual documents
- Defining Exchange Rate types and Translation
- Foreign currency revaluation for open items (F-07) and balances FAGL_FC_VAL, Posting Realized gains/losses on open items
- Interest calculations on term loans
- Accrual and Deferral documents
- Types of clearing – standard, partial, residual
- GL tolerances
- Account clearing F-03 and posting with clearing F-07 differences
- GL master data, transaction data, open item and cleared item tables
- Account Payable:
- Creation of vendor account groups
- Creation of number ranges for vendor master records
- Assignment of number ranges to vendor account groups
- Creation of tolerance group for venders
- Creation of vendor master (display/change/block/unblock of vender master), sensitive fields in master data and confirmation FK08
- Posting of vendor transactions (invoice posting, payment posting, credit memo)
- Settings for advance payments to parties (down payment) and clearing of down payment against invoices (special GL transactions)
- Vendor tolerances gain/loss postings
- Creation of payment terms and cash discounts
- Automatic payment program configuration with SEPA format
- Bank master data and house banks
- F110 execution – main bank posting from F110 and bank clearing account posting from F110 and related tables
- DME files creation in xml and txt format and understanding DME structure in DMEE
- Payment advice generation, payment summary generation
- Reversal of payment documents
- Vendor clearing – standard, partial and residual
- Check payment method and creating checks manually F-58 and automatically and printing
- Creation of check lots and maintenance of check register
- Check encashment dates
- Cancellation of unissued checks and issued checks
- Creation of void reasons
- Issued check cancellation
- Deleting manual checks and voided checks
- Account clearing and posting with clearing on vendor
- Real-time scenarios on APP
- Intercompany payments – manual and automatic
- Tables and reports in AP and APP
- ACH/Direct debit
- Payment order
- Foreign currency revaluation on vendor and differences between realized and unrealized gain/loss
- Account Receivable:
- Creation of customer account groups
- creation of number ranges for customer master records
- assignment of number ranges for customer account groups
- Creation of tolerance group for customers
- Creation of customer master (display/change/block/unblock of vender master)
- Posting of customer transactions (sales invoice posting, payment posting, debit memo)
- Settings for advance payment from parties (down payment)
- Configuration of settings for dunning and dunning letters
- cash discounts
- APP configuration for customers
- customer clearing – standard, partial and residual
- Tables and reports
- Customer line item interest calculation
- Account clearing and posting with clearing
- Customer tolerances
- Bank Accounting:
- Electronic bank statement (EBS): Configuration and execution MT940
- EBS – Bank charges and Bank interest postings with search string
- Auto Lockbox: Configuration and execution
- SAP query
- Cash journal
- Asset Accounting:
- Defining chart of depreciation
- creation of 0% tax codes for sales and purchased
- assignment of chart of depreciation to company code
- Defining account determination
- definition of screen lay out rules
- definition of number ranges for asset classes
- Integration with General Ledger & Posting rules
- Defining Depreciation key
- definition of multilevel methods
- definition of period control methods
- creation of main asset master records
- creation of sub asset master records
- Acquisition of fixed assets
- sale of fixed assets
- transfer of assets
- Scrapping of assets
- Depreciation run
- Line item Settlement of assets under construction of capital work in progress
- Year-end activities
- Asset mass changes
- Tables and reports
- Asset history report, Asset explorer and Asset documents
- Asset impairment/revaluation
- Master data and transaction data tables
- Asset shut down
- Manual depreciation
- Unplanned depreciation/missed depreciation
- New General ledger accounting:
- Parallel ledgers
- document splitting
- Integration of financial accounting with materials management:
- Definition of organizational units in materials management i.e. plant, storage location and purchase organization
- Assignment of organizational units to each other
- Definition of tolerance groups for purchase orders
- Definition of tolerance groups for goods receipt
- Definition of tolerance groups for invoice verification
- Definition of vendor specific tolerances
- Creation, display and change of material master records
- Creation of plant parameters
- Maintenance of posting periods for materials management
- Maintenance of parameters for invoice verification
- Maintenance of plant parameters for inventory management and physical inventory
- Definition of attributes for material types
- Assignment of GL accounts for material transactions in financial accounting (Integration of MM with FI)
- Creation of purchase order, posting of goods receipt, invoice verification and Goods issue for production with planned freight FRA2 and unplanned delivery costs and discounts
- Price control – standard and moving average with postings
- Price differences posting to PRD
- GR/IR clearing from F.13 with automatic clearing (automatic clearing criteria OB74)
- Stock report MB5B
- Invoice reversal MR8M
- MM Pricing procedure
- Integration of financial accounting with sales and distribution:
- Definition of sales organization
- definition of distribution channels
- definition of divisions
- assignment among various organizational units in SD
- definition of partner functions
- definitions of shipping point and loading points
- definition of pricing procedures
- determining the shipping points
- determining the pricing procedures
- maintenance of SD condition types
- maintenance of condition records
- assignment of GL accounts for sales transactions (integration of FI with SD)
- creation of sales order
- initialization of stock
- posting the delivery of goods
- creating the sales invoice.
- SD pricing procedure Discounts K007
- Validations and Substitutions with sets:
- Line item level
- Header level
- Sales Tax:
- Input tax
- Output tax
- Sales tax procedure
- Year-end closing and month-end closing:
- GL balances carry forward
- AP and AR balances carry forward
- Special period posting