Kotlin Training Course Outline
Prepare for Kotlin developer who can efficiently understand and use various
Kotlin versions.
Personnel having user-level experience with any computer programming language and basics.
Prepares for:
Developing Android App using Kotlin.
Any IT professionals, BE,B.Tech, MCA, BCA or equivalent student who want to build Kotlin technology skills.
32 hours
Course Outline:
1. Introduction to Kotlin
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Abstraction
- What is Kotlin?
- History of Kotlin
- How to install Kotlin on your computer?
- Introduction to IntelliJ IDEA
- First kotlin program
2. Datatypes and Variables
- Datatypes in Kotlin
- Variables in Kotlin
- Using Comments in Kotlin
3. Operators and Expressions
- Assignment Operator
- Arithmetic Operator
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Increment and Decrement Oprators
- Oprate-Assign Operators(+=,etc.)
- The Conditional Operator
- Operator Precedence
- Type Conversion in Kotlin
5. Control Flow
- Functions in Kotlin
- if else
- for loop
- while doWhile
- when
- Ranges in Kotlin
6. Arrays
- One Dimentional Arrays
- Multi-Dimentional Arrays
- Using For loop in Arrays
7. Introducing Classes
- Classes and Objects
- Fields and Functions
- Calling Functions
- Defining Functions
- Function Parameters
- Variable argument parameters functions
- Constructors
- Primary Constructor
- init block in constructors
- this keyword
- Secondary Constructor
- Access Modifiers in Kotlin (private, public, protected, internal)
- Non-Access Modifier (Companion Object, final, abstract)
8. Inheritance in Kotlin
- Inheritance
- Inheritance in Kotlin
- Function Overriding
- final functions
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces in Kotlin
9. Inner Classes and Nested Classes in Kotlin
- Inner Classes Concept
- Anonymous Inner Class
- Packages
- Defining Packages
- Package Scope
- The import Statement
10. Exception Handling in Kotlin
- Exception Overview
- Catching Exceptions
- The Finally Block
- Exception Functions
- Declaring Exceptions
- Defining and Throwing Exceptions
11. Collection Framework in Kotlin
- The Collection Framework
- The List Implementation in Kotlin
- Set Implementation Classes in Kotlin
- Map Implementation Classes in Kotlin
12. Introduction to Android Programming using Kotlin
- Hello World App using Kotlin - Android